Headache & Migraine Therapy
SV Sports Therapy specialises in headache and migraine therapy
If you have ever suffered from a headache or migraine, you will appreciate the severe pain and throbbing accompanied with nausea and dizziness that it may bring to your day-to-day life.
Migraines are extremely common, affecting around one in every five women and one in every fifteen men. They can occur up to several times a week or occasionally and do not always give a warning before interrupting your day.
Headaches, not to be confused with a migraine, have been under-estimated and under-treated in the past.
Manual therapy has been proven to aid in reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines. Once we have discussed in depth with you regarding your symptoms and nature of your headaches, we will action a bespoke treatment plan for you.

Tension Headaches
These are the most common headaches. They are unspecific and can feel like they are throughout the whole head. These are the type of headaches that you may describe as pressure, that are aggravated by stress.
Cluster Headaches
These are rarer but have a high recurring rate. They are the type of headache that feel like someone is sticking a knife into your eyes or forehead.
Cervicogenic Headaches
These are the headaches most likely to bring you in to see a therapist. They usually start with neck pain which radiates over the skull. However, you may not always feel like the neck is causing the problem. If you are suffering with this type of headache, make sure you have looked at your work posture because it is a high contributing factor!

So what can we do about them?
The first thing you need to consider is, do you have any triggers? Is there anything that brings on the headache or migraine?
If you can identify this, it will be easier to treat. The main thing to consider is pillows and sleep. Aligning the body in bed has a huge effect on how you feel during the day. If you feel like this is affecting your head, please speak to a medical professional to identify the correct sleeping position for you.
Heat is another ideal self-help treatment. Most people will reach for ice when their head is pounding. However, this sensitises the head and makes the headache worse once the ice has been removed. Heat has been proven to reduce muscle spasm and tightness and is ideal for taking down that tightening in your forehead, eye or neck.
Seeking treatment...
If you have reached the point of no return from dealing with regular headaches, hope is not lost!
Manual therapy has become the standard for the reduction of headaches and migraines. This involves gentle techniques to the back of the neck to reduce the stiffness and irritation that causes headaches.
There is an 85% success rate with this technique! It was developed by Rebecca Nelson, a spinal physiotherapy specialist in Belfast and has been causing quite a storm among neurologists.
Please contact us for more information and to book your initial assessment.