The amazing Saint Francis Hospice (SFH) has an additional 20 places left to fill for their team running the Brentwood Half Marathon on Sunday 19 March 2017. By signing up to the Brentwood Half and taking the challenge of fundraising for your local hospice, you will get the full support of the SFH events team throughout your fundraising journey. This includes direct contact with local professionals, from personal training, sports therapy and advice on how to keep a positive attitude throughout the dark night training and avoiding the “brick wall”. You will have access to a closed group on Facebook, which hosts your professionals and fellow runners. SFH needs your support. The Brentwood Half is a perfect opportunity to undertake a personal test for those aiming to run the Virgin Money London Marathon, those looking to take on a new challenge in 2017 or those individuals looking to support a fantastic local charity. To sign up for the Brentwood Half Marathon, you can register via the Saint Francis Hospice website: www.sfh.org.uk/brentwood-half-marathon-2017 or call 01708 771427.

In addition to providing help and guidance to SFH runners throughout their marathon journeys, SV Sports Therapy will be present on the day of the Brentwood Half Marathon, providing pre- and post-race massages, taping and injury advice.