I started seeing Jess whilst training for the London Marathon earlier this year. I had started to experience pain, which I thought was in my knee.
However after only a few minutes of telling Jess of all my troubles, she was able to inform me that the pain was due to issues with my IT band.
I actually looked forward to each of the appointments that I had with Jess, even though the sports massages were slightly painful (but totally worth it!).
Jess gave me plenty of useful advice on stretches and the dreaded foam roller!
She was kind, considerate, welcoming, professional and above all else friendly and approachable.
I felt like I had gained a friend in Jess and nothing seemed too big or small to ask of her.
As the marathon drew closer, Jess continued to support me with her expert knowledge and advice which led to me finishing the Marathon in 4hrs 36mins, an achievement which I am extremely proud of and I owe part of my success to Jess for helping and believing in me.
I saw Jess on Marathon day at around mile 25. I flew over to her with my arms wide open to give her a big sweaty hug. She greeted me with a shocked expression, whilst still smiling and being her friendly likeable self, expressing her concern for my injury, only for me to tell her I'm fine and continued on my way, as Jess cheered me on (sorry for popping your balloon!).
Jess - I'm thankful for everything you did for me to get me through the big day.
I cannot thank Jess enough for everything she did, but above all else I had fun and Jess has a great personality and sense of humour.
Post marathon, she continued to send me well wishes and support, which enabled me to be pain-free the day after the Marathon where I got up and walked into work as normal.