What got you interested in boxing? I got interested in boxing after my Brendan mentioned about starting up. I started watching a bit on tv and thought I'll give it ago seeing as I was no good at football or most sports really.
When did you start boxing? I started when I was 13 at Waltham Forest ABC. I started competing at the same age. I fell in love with it from there.
When did you realise that you had a chance to go professional? A few people suggested that I should turn professional about a year ago and Steve Kipps introduced me to Steve Goodwin and he showed an interest and offered me a contract.
What is your training schedule like? I normally cycle or run in the morning before work and train after work, either sparring, a fitness class or technique. I train six days a week.
Tell us about the three professional fights you've had. I've had a good three fights so far. They were tough fighters. I learned a lot from everyone of them.
Tell us a bit about your team. Coach, sparring partners, nutritionist, etc. My coaches - Steve Kipps, Bob Kipps, Ian Wilson and Pat Sandy - have taken me to a new level. Both Steve and Bob have trained fighters at world level. Steve has been taking me to Hoddeson ABC and I've been sparring with elite amateur boxers - they get me really sharp. My main sparring partner, Matthew Chanda, is probably the best fighter I've trained with. So much so, everyone in his weight is scared to fight him. I constantly learn off him. My fitness conditioning coach, Pat Sandy, gets me in brilliant shape before each fight. My nutritionist Paul O'Neil, who runs Pro-Nutrition Clinic, keeps my weight in check and makes sure I'm in top shape for my fights.