Hi all! It’s been a while since my last entry.
I can assure you this not due to a lack of training, rather the opposite really! I’ve been making quite a few milestones in training lately. I’ve had two 10 km PBs in one week! The first was on my own and the second was a group run with Orion Harriers! I can tell you I was pretty elated with both and it has definitely motivated my training.
I’ve also reached my furthest distance EVER! 11 miles! Eight of them were faster than my goal of 10-minute miles and two were within 15 seconds of my target. That left 1 mile that got away from me going up a steep hill, but boy did I feel great when I got to the top!
I must admit though it hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows.
The first week of January, my training definitely wasn’t what it should have been. The mornings have been cold and dark. Runs have been cancelled or pushed because of work. That 11 mile run ended with SNOW! And it’s been difficult to resist the temptation of going out on a Saturday night.
I know I have A LOT more training to go, but if it keeps going this way, I’ll be very happy.

I can’t put into words the amazing support I’ve had so far through training.
People have commented that I am looking fitter, which is a huge confidence-booster.
Clients are always asking how training is going and giving helpful training tips.
Friends and family from back home in Canada have sent lovely encouraging messages.
My fundraising is all coming together.
John Hanlon’s running group with Orion Harriers is always fantastic and encouraging, every step of the way.
Most of all, my other half, Kody, has woken up with me every Sunday morning and joined me on my runs and encouraged me to get my tired butt off the sofa after a long day at work to get each run in.
I really can’t thank everyone enough!

I’d like to share a few tips that I’ve found really useful throughout training thus far.
Find a support system! Whether it's your partner, your friend, a running club, a work colleague, find someone who is going to help support you. The encouragement is beyond helpful! If you need to grow your support system and aren’t sure who to ask, ask me!
Join a running group! My running is ALWAYS better when I am with the running group. Even if I go off too fast, I still push myself way harder at the end than I would if I were running on my own.
Three Positives. After each run, no matter how great or awful it was, write down three positives. I learnt this tip from a sports psychologist recently and it has been so helpful, especially on the runs that don’t go according to plan. My most recent positives were: longest run ever, sub 10-minute mile pace for majority of the run and a 10km PB!
Reflect. Think about where you started. Sure there is still a lot of training to go, but chances are, you’ve come so far! 2-3 weeks ago, any distance over 6 miles, I would slow right down and struggle to keep running. Now I’m at 11 miles running consistently. Congratulate yourself on those achievements because you deserve it!
Until next time. Happy training!