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Client of the Month: Rebecca Smith

Client of the Month: Rebecca Smith

Rebecca joined Orion Harriers AC in 2017 and is working up to a half marathon in March 2019.

She came to see our sports therapist, Nicole, in November with pain in the heel and arch of one foot and pain in the big toe of the other foot.

She'd had a serious ankle injury years back and still used an ankle brace at home and at work.

Nicole diagnosed plantar fasciitis in one foot and a joint dysfunction in the big toe on the other foot.

After only three sessions of manual treatment, stretching, ice and strengthening exercises for the ankle, Rebecca has continued to run and successfully completed a 10k last week!

She has been in a lot less pain while running and now doesn’t wear her ankle brace around the house and at work.

Well done Rebecca on your journey so far. Keep up the good work! We cannot wait to help you see through to achieving your half marathon in March!

Client of the Month: Rebecca Smith

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