Janet is a member of Orion Harriers Running Club and a very active member of Roding Valley parkrun. So when she came to us with pain in her Achilles, which was stopping her from running, she was keen to get back to her normal activities.
After an assessment, and a diagnosis of Achilles tendinopathy, Fleur provided exercises which Janet embraced. It was Janet’s persistence with these exercises that got her back to running, and she has now signed up to the Beachy Head Marathon in October.
Here's what Janet had to say about her experience at SV Sports Therapy so far:
“I came to see Fleur after injuring my Achilles tendon during the double parkrun on New Year’s Day. Fleur gave me lots of advice, including resting, which I followed. She used acupuncture and massage and devised some personalised exercises to get my Achilles sorted. It all worked and I ran 21km with my running club on Sunday. I’ve also signed up for the Beachy Head Marathon as well as a number of 5k and 10k races, and a half marathon. Thanks to Fleur for sorting me out!”
Good luck, Janet! We are all behind you.