On 21 January, Sophie was invited to St Clare Hospice (SCH) in Harlow to meet their marathon runners.
The runners, who are all fundraising for the hospice this year, are training for the Paris Marathon (5 April), the Brighton Marathon (19 April) and the London Marathon (26 April).
During the information evening, organised by Emma Broadbent, Challenges & Events Fundraiser for SCH, Sophie discussed all things running related, including key recovery tips, what to do when a body part hurts, running trainers, the myth behind stretching and foam rolling, and most importantly, enjoying the process!
At the next meeting in March, SV will be on hand to discuss tips to get the runners towards their longest training run - approximately 20 miles - as well as the benefits of sports massage and a positive mindset, what does tapering mean and how they should execute this.