"The benefit of being able to continue therapy support for recovery from an injury at this time of lockdown and social distancing is so important, I feel like i am still on the road to recovery, if the appointment was simply cancelled, I would not have been able to progress with some new exercises which are another step towards recovery. It is absolutely the right decision to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
I really appreciated that the first Skype consultation was complimentary, I think it gave me the opportunity to see how well it could work, it also showed SV sports therapy value their customer's well-being above all else.
The Skype video call worked really well, having received an email prior to the consultation, I was well prepared with the equipment I would need, all of which were simple items readily available.
The Skype call enabled me to clearly see the demonstrations of each exercise and also enable Annalie to see me do the exercise to ensure I was doing it correctly. Annalie was really good at giving very clear instructions.
I have confirmed the booking of my next Skype consultation."
Siobhan Parker
via email