The SV Team had the pleasure of serving runners of the St Clare 10k on the annual St Clare Hospice 10k! It was an honour to support the hospice for the 10th year running.
Always such a humbling event with a huge buzz!
We raised a £140 for St Clare!
We had 2 fantastic Therapists, Sophie ( Director of SV) & student Sports Therapist Izzy (from the University of Hertfordshire) serving runners on a voluntary basis with 100% going to St Clare Hospice, it was so humbling to be there knowing that the majority of these people have lost someone who stayed at the hospice or have some kind of emotional link to it. It was fantastic to see some of the London Marathon runners who will be running the big one in 12 days!
To raise money for this amazing place meant the world to us!
Thank you to all who donated and of whom we served for a massage before or after the 10k, we loved every minute!

Did you run the St Clare 10k this year?
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