Last week, Sophie had the pleasure of meeting this year's St Clare Hospice London Marathon, Brighton marathon and Manchester marathon runners.

They talked everything marathon related:
Injury prevention tips
Recovery tips
Gait assessment
The benefit of stretching, foam rolling and maintenance sports massage
To listen to your body and ensure that 'niggle' doesn't escalate into a 'show stopping injury'
Fuel and hydration
The importance of sleep
To run with your heart and your soul
Bowel and bladder movement and race day nerves!
It was a fab evening, lots of questions, laughter and tips for fundraising!
Collectively the aim is to raise £35,000! Come on guys let's do this!

Learn more about Sophie here.
Are you training for a marathon this year?
Come and see the experts at SV - get in touch now!
Call 0203 494 4343, email reception@svsportstherapy.com or you can also book online.